Castor Oil for Better Health
with Marisol Teijeiro, ND
[01:27] A personal history with castor oil
[12:37] How does castor oil actually work?
[24:00] What molecule is a “superhero”?
[34:29] Digestion and the parasympathetic nervous system
[42:04] How to connect with Dr. Marisol
About the Guest
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, Naturopathic Doctor & Queen of the Thrones® is an award-winning author and Medical Mystic who’s renowned for helping change people’s lives by connecting them to the signs and messages that are all around them, but most importantly those coming from their bodies. She helps people all over the world learn how to illuminate their purpose and passion in life by understanding their body language through experience-based health & happiness practices. She’s recently been featured on various TV programs including nationally syndicated shows (Bloom & Daytime) as well as The Marilyn Denis Show in Canada. It’s her life’s mission to help people unfold and understand their inner journey towards full expression of self by connecting the body, mind, and souls for infinite health.