Minimalism Life
with Heather Aardema, Health Coach
Get to the root of your clutter (in your head, heart and home) so that you can go light!

Today, Dr. Rob Downey speaks with Heather Aardema, National Board Certified and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. She’s the founder of Root of Wellbeing—a wellness and weight loss coaching boutique and she’s the creator of The Live Light Method—a novel approach to weight loss rooted in simplicity, functional nutrition, and positive psychology.
Get her free gift- 3 Keys to Living Light- a 4 part video series (that comes with a workbook) that is under 20 minutes. She share 3 simple, yet powerful keys to living a lighter life.
[01:28] Where did minimalism start for Heather?
[07:20] When physical items no longer provide happiness- a turn to minimal living from a wake-up call
[13:24] After reducing your clutter- how to avoid “deprivation”
[17:01] Strategies to de-clutter
[29:17] How “clutter”- extends to medicine and minimalism
[39:34] How to linger, longer!

About the Guest
Heather Aardema is a National Board Certified and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. She’s the founder of Root of Wellbeing—a wellness and weight loss coaching boutique and she’s the creator of The Live Light Method—a novel approach to weight loss rooted in simplicity, functional nutrition, and positive psychology. Heather is an aspiring minimalist and an advocate of living light. After decades of an overloaded, addicted-to-busy schedule, she’s now freer and happier than she’s ever been before. She guides her clients toward their own wellness breakthroughs by helping them clear the clutter—in their heads, hearts and homes, so that they can get to the root of living lives they love. Heather is the host of The Life Cleanse Summit—Living on the Light Side and she’s also been featured numerous times on popular wellness and minimalism platforms like No Sidebar, Minimalism Life, Becoming Minimalist, Optimal Living Daily, Optimal Health Daily, many online health summits, podcasts and more.